I read this article the other day about women and fishing and I have to share it and discuss because I find it too interesting pass up. The
Fishin'Chix have been promoting a line of pink fishing rods, pink fishing boots, etc. to encourage women to take on the sport. Its an interesting concept. Now before I get started, I want to say that I think it would be great for more women to participate in outdoor sports and I'd like to give a "shout out" to the whole idea.... but
PINK fishing rods? Call me a little cynical and perhaps butch, but what the hell? As at outdoor sportswoman, I'm a little grossed out.
If you are a woman and you've ever needed outdoor gear (such as good waterproof hiking boots, rubber boots, gloves, etc.), you know its sometimes difficult to find these things in ladies sizes. In the last few years, there has been a movement towards adding clothing and shoe lines for women and I'm very excited about this, but I've also noticed that they make women's sized items - often - in "women's" colors. For example, the last time I went to buy new boots for work I found a selection of 4 boots for women compared to 37 for men. The brand that I wanted, the ones with the steel toe and real
gore-tex had one style for women and the boot was, I swear God,
Smurf blue. It was so hideous, I nearly wrote a letter to the boot company asking them what the hell they were thinking. I imagined walking into the office the next day (where I work with middle aged somewhat good ole boy men), sporting Smurfett boots. I ended up buying the men's version of the boot - in brown. The same is true for gloves. I went to
Walmart the other night to buy some gloves for work and the women's leather gloves came in pink, blue, purple, and green. Then there was the set of coveralls that my lovely male office mates bought me a few years back. They came in women's sizes and they were even brown - but they had boob pleats. As if a woman who wears coveralls is going to feel inadequate about her breasts. Who is the marketing rep in these companies? Am I wrong?
Now it may be different with fishing. There are a lot of hot fishermen out there and I would probably not wear my dirty t-shirt and ripped jeans out on the river - just in case I need help from the cute fishermen next to me when I pull in a 18 pound catfish :). But how much respect would this guy have for me if it looks like I stole
Barbie's tackle box?
I'm not saying that pink is bad. I own a lot of pink clothes (including dresses, frilly tops, and a fabulous pair of
Steve Madden heels with pink bows) and I like to be girly and sexy. I guess I just think there is a time and a place for these things. I realize I'm overreacting to this article. I'm just trying to fight for equality in women's field gear! So to the companies out there... go ahead and make your purple rubber boots with lipstick pockets and cell phone holders or shiny blue shovels for "women gardening," but for God's sake, please take the damn pleats out of perfectly good coveralls!!
Thats all I'm sayin...